Welcome to our newly redesigned website! We’re excited about the new look, content, and features and are confident it better reflects Denver Women’s Chorus and Denver Gay Men’s Chorus, their mission, work, and voice.
DGMC and DWC are the premier LGBTQA choruses in Denver and the region, and our new URL— denverchoruses.org—is among several new changes that put our member choruses front and center! You can still use rmarts.org, dgmc.org, or denverwomenschorus.org, but since we sing together often (for example, Cabaret Unleashed and Quiet No More), we felt it most important to showcase the choruses ahead of Rocky Mountain Arts Association (RMAA). As such, our new logo represents both choruses as well.
RMAA remains the umbrella non-profit registered with the Secretary of State; however, we made the intentional decision to downplay RMAA in favor of the choruses because that is who you love and who you want to see in concert!
Two of our new menu options are Media and Choir Notes. The Media tab showcases press coverage, including the Rocky Mountain PBS Quiet No More piece, and additional articles and segments written and produced by local news outlets about DGMC, DWC, and RMAA.
The Choir Notes section will be updated frequently with news, new happenings, and upcoming events from both choruses! You will also see several new videos. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve looked for ways to stay connected to our community and tapped our creative members and past archives to create new content.
Finally, you will be able to purchase tickets easily and securely. A quick and simple sign up process enables an even faster ticket purchase and a one-stop-shop to view total donations, performance history, and more. This new database software, called Neon, allows us to lower operating and vendor expenses by over $1.25 per ticket.
We encourage you to Create An Account and add to your Favorites! We can’t wait to see you in person!
Michael Sattler
Executive Director, RMAA